


Facing 25 years in prison for saving lives


“Prosecution seeks to criminalise saving lives”

- Human Rights Watch, 2018

Sarah, Seán and Nassos were search and rescuers volunteering on the island of Lesvos. They joined a Greek rescue organisation which helped thousands of asylum seekers fleeing conflict. Despite fulfilling their legal duty to help those in distress at sea they were charged with crimes like espionage and facilitating illegal entry. They spent 108 days in pre trial detention and still face 25 years behind bars.

Independent legal experts have concluded that what Sarah, Seán and Nassos did was both morally and legally necessary. Human Rights Watch said their prosecution is the criminalisation of saving lives.

Humanitarianism is not a crime.

It is our duty to help those in need.

Help us fight this trial. Help us Free Humanitarians.